Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Review of the Day: Soap & Glory - Flake Away

The first thing that strikes you about Soap & Glory products is their quirky packaging and witty product names & by-lines.With names like Mother Pucker and Pulp Friction, who wouldn't want to try these little gems?

I have been using Soap & Glory products over the last couple of years, always brought in from the UK. So imagine my joy when Sephora opens up in Select City Walk, Delhi and I walk in to discover a whole counter with some of my favourite things.

Instinctively, I reach out for my favourite in their range (just in time too, turned out that I was on my last application of my previous pot) - Flake Away, a shea butter, sugar and peach seed body polish. At Rs. 390, it is cheaper than its £7 avatar available in the UK.

So we have already established that I heart Flake Away. Here's why. Open it up, smell it. Packed with S&G's signature Original Pink scent, it is a delight for your senses. If at first sniff it feels a bit strong, don't worry. Once you use it and rinse it off, it leaves your skin scented with just the perfect hint of the fragrance.

Now, take it with you in the shower and get ready for one delightful exfoliating experience. The scrub melts into your skin with ease. Unlike the Body Shop scrubs, this one isn't harsh on your skin and will never leave your skin feeling raw. I have normal skin, so for me the best part about the scrub is that it is intensely moisturising. I had struggled to find a scrub that wouldn't leave my skin feeling dry after use and this one is perfect. Use it before a night out for fabulously glowing legs that you can teem with your shortest skirts or on your back before turning in for the night for beautiful, soft skin when you wake up. One thing is guaranteed, you will not need to use a moisturiser after exfoliating with Flake Away. Packed with the richness of Shea Butter, it more than adequately moisturises your skin, even once rinsed off and towel dried.

If you have normal to dry skin, go ahead, indulge your skin in this yummy sugar scrub.

Those were the happy points. Now for some not-so-happy points. If you have oily or acne prone skin (And here I refer to back acne. This is NOT a face scrub), avoid this scrub altogether as it tends to leave some of that Shea Butter on your skin.
You may also want to avoid the scrub if you plan to be out and about on a typical Delhi summer day. Like I said, I would use before a night out or before going to bed (supposedly the best time for your skin to rejuvenate).
PS. For summer day time purposes, I recommend the Body Shop body polishers (not scrubs, too harsh).